Friday, July 29, 2011

Summer Breeze

Today there is a light breeze in the summer air and it is so refreshing.  When the breezy goodness reaches me I feel lighter and cooler...even happier.  It takes my attention away from what I am doing, thinking, or worrying about and brings me into the moment of nature.  Centering.  Grounding.  My gratitude is for this breeze bringing me peace and happiness.

The title that came to me brought also to mind the music of my father.  When we were growing up there was always music blaring from the record player.  One of the bands my Dad used to play on the turntable was Seals & Crofts.  The 1972 song of theirs "Summer Breeze" popped into my head.  I looked up the lyrics and the "video" on youtube.  This experience brought a smile to my face as well...wonderful memories and a sweet song.  All this happiness from a breath of fresh summer air...a welcomed summer breeze!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Saltwater Morning

The smell.  The sites.  The ocean.  All in my own backyard.

I love living near the ocean.  There is something different about the air.  The salty aroma makes me want to take a deep breath and close my eyes for a moment.  Like a mini-vacation.  We live just a few moments time from the water and I feel so lucky.  We used to vacation here in the Portland area and now we can enjoy it each day.  The walks on Back Bay early in the morning are one of my favorite things to do!  It a lovely way to start the day.  So in that lies my daily gratitude:  the silver lining to having to move away from my friends and Bangor community four years ago...The Sea! *deep breath*

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Rain is Falling

After nearly two weeks of record breaking heat and humidity, it is now sunny but comfortable.  In fact today we had a welcomed rainfall.  The temperature is a comfortable in the 70's and there is a light breeze.

My first gratitude is that the rain held off just long enough this morning for me to get in my three-mile walk around Back Bay.  Although I almost welcomed the adventure of getting rained on!  (maybe that will be another grateful adventure!)

My second gratitude is again for the rain in that it kept me inside to tend to my house.  I used it as an excuse to take a break from the garden and play go fish with the kids and get to that organizing that's always there looming...

Monday, July 25, 2011

A day off

Today is the first full weekday I have had off in three weeks.  It was almost overwhelming to decide what to do!! (could have worse problems, I know).  I did, however, and without much ado, settle into my gardening project.  Currently I am trying to lighten the load.  Over the last two years I have replanted and over-crowded my plants. The overall effect being - a mess.  While thinning it all out I found several flowers (echinacea, globe.....) that were under all the weeds and shaded by many other plants - all fighting for the little nutrients around the bed.

It felt good to give them space to breathe, hoping that I found the weak ones in time to revive and strengthen them.  I was reminded of how I feel when I get around to reorganizing or picking up the house.  The wide open spaces make me feel larger inside...tidier and secure.  Not so chaotic.  So far I am happy with what I have done.      There is much more to do but I feel that I am off to a great start!

Today's gratitude is (and there are actually two today) for my day off - an entire day to dedicate to the garden.  And also for the blessing of having my children behaving together outside - low maintenance kid day.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Cups of Tea

I truly enjoy a good cup of hot tea.  This morning, today's gratitude moment, I was up before everyone and was able to brew and enjoy a cup before my daughter beckoned me to her room.  It would be nice though to become more versed in my experience with tea however.  I grew up with Salada in the home, which is a fine tea, and who doesn't enjoy the little quips on the back of the tag?  :)  And mine, unfortunately, is often sweetened with aspartame.  (I have become addicted to the taste of it!)  But I know there are many different kids of tea and different ways to brew the tea than from a prepackaged- been-on-the-shelf-too-long kind of tea.  So maybe I will try some new things coming up soon.  Kids will be gone for a couple of weeks this summer so it will be an opportunity to partake in some delicious new flavors/brands without interruption!  Any suggestions?

The photo posted here today, reminds me of the tea I get at the Samoluk household.  Our good friends really know how to brew and serve it right!  Looking forward to another cup sometime soon!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Flatbread Experience

This evening my family, along with my sister and niece, went down to the Portland waterfront for a bite to eat.  Mike wanted us to experience the Flatbread Company for some fired, clay oven baked pizza.  Being right on the ocean is only the start of the greatness of this place.  It's rustic and lively dining room is quite engaging.  The eating area and the kitchen are quite literally one place.  We can see the brick oven fireplace, the decorated doughs scooped into the fire, and the product being prepared for delivery to our table.  The cooks can then see how much the patrons enjoy the eats!  Its wonderfully fun!
Today's gratitude is for this food experience and even more so that it was my husbands idea.  It is great to partake in the uniqueness of the wonderful seaside town that live in!

Learning more about this fascinating food company's history and locales were also part of the fun.  Please do so yourself here:

Monday, July 4, 2011

catch and release

Coming off of a four day weekend at camp there is lots to be grateful for.  Most of all the mini-vacation itself!  Camp is buggy and crittery and doesn't have a shower, BUT it is a place away from home on a beautiful lake where all I have to do is read (and occasionally feed the kids).  And to top it all off it is free!  thanks to my in-laws.  The kids went swimming and, thankfully, had no run-ins with bloodsuckers.  They LOVED fishing and luckily had no incidences with hooks in ears or fingers and such.  And now I am glad to be home to get have time to get my home in order for the coming week of work.